Member-only story
Time Dance On The Road To Eternity
Does time think of us as it ages our face with wrinkles and lines?
Where did time come from and how does it wind itself or does it have a giant main spring?
Inquiring minds want to know!
I do have a few issues for time if I could sit down and chat with he she it
I could do without the gray and thinning hair
After all my hair was once so curly it looked like I was wearing a Groucho Marx wig
I’d ask why it took so many great people and left so many that seem to lack empathy
When will it lay its burden down and fold up the universe?
You know stuff like that
Of course time doesn’t take questions or give answers
It is its own force and can’t be denied
About the best we can do while living by it’s one rule of getting older
Is to dance and sing like no one is watching
After all we have two feet and two hands
What use are they if we don’t wave them around on our communal road to eternity?